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Larry Simon

Flossmoor, Illinois

(708) 957-1673



Larry Simon

- Married - Linda Simon

- Husband, Father, Grandfather .

For those of you who would consider donating a kidney, more information can be found by hitting the button below. 


To contact me via email, just hit the convenient contact button at the top of this page.


Won't you "Share Your Spare?"

My name is Larry Simon and I have been a resident of Flossmoor Illinois for over 40 years.  While it is difficult for me to share this information,  I realize that part of the healing process requires for me to do so.  I have polycystic kidney disease.  This causes the body to make cysts in the kidneys until the kidneys can no longer function.  This is most likely an inherited disease, which prevents my family for donating a kidney.  The good news is that Nature has given us two kidneys, but we only require one to live.  Also, remarkably, if a replacement kidney is found, my body will no longer create cysts.


I am presently on the waiting list for a kidney in both Wisconsin and Illinois.  The waiting period is usually between 3 to 5 years.  Over 5,000 people die each year, waiting for a kidney transplant.  The benefits of a living donor versus a deceased donor are that the medical history of a living donor is known and the transplant averages 18 years versus 13 years for a deceased donor.  Also, a living donor takes the recipient off the waiting list and the longer they are on dialysis, the more their health deteriorates.    Anyone donating a kidney is checked physically to ensure they are in good health.  Costs are covered by the recipients's medical insurance.

A man between the ages of 40 - 45 can expect to live about 8 years on dialysis.  Women who start dialysis between the ages of 55 - 59 could expect to live approximately 5 years.  However, they could live more than 16 years with a transplant and someone's life would improve dramatically when they are not dependent on dialysis treatment.


Thank you and bless you for listening to my story. 



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